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Freedom to Live Unbridled

Inspired Action for Positive Change

The Challenge

One of the most unique approaches to fighting against domestic violence. She Bucks came to us with great passion and courage to do what was needed to formulate the brand seen here as She Bucks. They had very specific requirements but also were in dire need of guidance on how to create an organization that had so many responsibilities to so many women.

Our Approach

Tenth Muse saw the ultimate potential of an idea that could change the face of how we support and speak on such whispered social issues. This isn’t just an eCommerce site to sell shirts, hats, and horses – it’s a system to promote the support and awareness needed for battling these systemic issues. Our Muses see this brand and identity as the most important to get right – an entire story of women depends on it.


Services Provided

  • Tenth_Muse_Design_Brand_Strategy_icon

    Brand Strategy

    Communicate with audiences cohesively in everything presented, done, and said. More importantly, establish trust reliability with customers.

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  • Tenth_Muse_Design_Identity_Development_icon

    Identity Development

    Collaboratively, we help explore identity, and create a fresh mark that is functional and is psychologically appealing to your selected target audience.

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  • Tenth_Muse_Design_Custom_Websites_icon

    Custom Website

    These days, anyone can create a website. The skill is in creating a sales tool that reflects brand perfectly and converts users into opportunities and sales.

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  • Tenth_Muse_Design_Customer_Experience_icon

    Customer Experience Planning

    Apply your brand in all the right places creates a superior customer experience throughout the entire client life-cycle. Map it effectively with a Muse.

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  • Tenth_Muse_Design_Advertising-Print_icon

    Advertising Print/Media

    Every visual avenue of advertising is an opportunity to let your brand shine. Be sure you keep things consistent and authentic to your message.

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  • Tenth_Muse_Design_Customer_RElationship_managment_icon

    Customer Relationship Mgt.

    One of the most powerful tools to control the multitude of clients, metrics, and data for business. We show how tweaking the controls can generate sales of even potentially cool leads.

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Brand Strategy

The mark for She Bucks was a precise blend of the strength, class, and allure of all women. With her grip tight on the reigns she is in control, her hand reaches powerfully to the sky to force away anything that attempts to disrupt her ride.

This cowgirl is the spirit of freedom we want to reveal in every woman. With her hair wild in the wind, she envokes the courage that it takes when the ride gets rough – but she will not go down.


Web Design

This isn’t just your everyday eCommerce site selling baubles. We are making Champions here. The perfect example of a brand story translated into a customer experience. Come purchase what suits you and leave with the feeling you are making a difference.

This site allows sales of hats, shirts, a customized tool to sell performance horses with video, and direct donations. It demonstrates the success of equine wellbeing training sessions and workshops. All the while, it allows individuals to support using social media platforms to continue spreading the word.

Social Media – Content Generation

Tenth Muse quickly identified that social media would be the most important avenue for She Bucks. You could spend a fortune on Google Ads and get absolutely nowhere with this campaign. She Bucks is a story of the heart, mind, and challenges of women, so off to the races we go, with a strong social media strategy.

This story needed to come directly from the founders, though, and we diligently have trained and coached them on how to approach posting and engaging. Our Muses prepared a kick-starter deck of assets for Instagram and Facebook for them to begin. Blog training and ongoing strategy with Tenth Muse will assist them as they grow their champion fanbase of followers.

The Result

One heck of a ride. Our commitment to the founders of She Bucks is paramount. We serve as their sounding board, content creators, tech support, social media and cheer squad.

The smallest acts of kindness are never wasted…they can spur an entire movement. This brand is evolving daily and we are excited to see what is on the horizon for She Bucks.

Head on over to and become a true Champion.


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